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Andrew Nassau
Last Name
Ministry Dream

To bring Revival to the UK!

Ministry Journey

Andrew Nassau is married to Tracey, and they have four beautiful children. He grew up in a non-religious family and became very worldly. He served in the military and with the local police force.

While in the military, God sent him a padre who led him the Lord. After the military, Andrew served in his local church.

Andrew started classes at Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. He was ordained in 2017 as an Associate Minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance. He is willing to mentor CLI students and help them become ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

David Hill
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

David Hill Evangelical Pastor in a resistant area for the gospel. He preaches the word and I try to guide those deceived by satan.

Ministry Journey

David was raised in a small mining village where his parents divorced when he was 8 years old. As a regular attendee at church, he became a Christian.

David was moved into local authority care at the age of 14 after suffering from child abuse, something which the Lord guided him to overcome.

However, He lapsed many times, drinking and taking drugs at 17/18 and even a couple of attempted suicides at 19. Through these times, David turned from God, but God neve left him.

As David grew older, his relationship with the Lord has grown stronger. He is married to Julie who supports him. He has a passion to reach those stuck in cults, dead Christianity, and non-christians.

David started Christian Leaders Institute in 2013 and has has received his Bachelor of Divinity Degree. He is willing to mentor Christian Leaders students and graduates and help them through the ordination process.

BD13 4NG
Warren Douglas Aus
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Reach UK

Ministry Journey

Warren Douglas Aus was raised in a strict church-going family and was baptized at 11 years of age though not really knowing why. Then at 19, he felt the call to be a minister, but the world called me louder and he went away from God.

Many years later Warren came back to God and gave him a mentor who trained him to preach the Word. He is married to a supporting wife. Warren has have preached in his home country, Australia. He has also preached in the Philippines and India.

Warren began his studies at Christian Leaders Insitute in 2015. He holds many advance diplomas. He is ordained as a commission minister in the Christian Leaders Alliance. Warren is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students and graduates. He will also help in the ordaining process.

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